Multiple exclamation marks are the sign of a disordered mind, and really only suitable for fluffyLOLpinknsqueaky types. You know the ones. They cannot simply dot over the letter i, but instead draw hearts/smileys/stars/bubbles within that hallowed space. They threaten the stability of the known world. *Shudders at the thought of desecrating the letter i*.
Um. Yes. Which was actually me suggesting that you got to WH Smiths and buy it for nine pounds something. Um. Bye.
kiwiqueen - 17. Jul, 23:48
To my mind, it merited a flurry of exclamation marks. I wouldn't normally. You know I am not a fluffyLOLpinknsqueaky type. And I respect the need for the simple dot over the i. It will be a long time till I allow myself multiple exclamation marks again! Even one is pushing it. It was possibly my quota for the rest of the month.
And thanks for the tip. (!)
Catherine Earnshaw (guest) - 18. Jul, 00:00
Even the idea of "a flurry of exclamation marks" is deeply, spiritually painful. Aarrgghh. Excuse me, having typed that, I need to go away and wince.
kiwiqueen - 18. Jul, 00:18
I shall be supremely conscious of my exclamation marks from now on. And never again shall I inflict a flurry upon my readers. Are solitary exclamation marks ok? How about a flurry of question marks?
Um. Yes. Which was actually me suggesting that you got to WH Smiths and buy it for nine pounds something. Um. Bye.
And thanks for the tip. (!)