What if they do have noses and just have very small proximity cloaking hologram beak projections? Maybe they're actually the most intelligent race on earth and they have an underground city with incredible technology complete with a huge weapon stash the size of Australia? What if they plot to take over the world one day? Nah, much more likely that'd be penguins. That's why they can stay underwater so long, they've got a city down there.
A.Penguin (guest) - 14. Dec, 02:22
He's on to us!
*flies away*
kiwiqueen - 14. Dec, 20:09
Penguins can fly?? :|
A.Penguin (guest) - 14. Dec, 20:17
Uh... No. Yes, that's right. We *can't* fly...
kiwiqueen - 14. Dec, 20:33
I googled it. And they can't fly. Being a penguin yourself, you should know these things!!
*flies away*