Mac Junkies and Morning Sickness
One Mac Junkie* friend** of The Boyfriend was arguing his case for the superiority of Mac computers today.
Mac Junkie:Face it, Macs look better, so some people prefer them to normal PC's.
The Boyfriend:* protests*
Mac Junkie (to The Boyfriend): Let's put it this way, if your girlfriend were ten times uglier, would you still go out with her?
Another friend: By ten times uglier, he actually means ten times fatter.
The Boyfriend: *ponders* No, I'd still go out with her.
Me: *sigh of relief*
Back to school. Pffft. Back to the same boring morning routine with people arguing sleepily over the bathroom, Len swearing and stamping around because Mami hasn't ironed a shirt and arguments in the car, the usual Dad/Radio 4 versus Chrisie/Signal 1 debate. Crucial questions such as: would listening to Signal 1 for ten minutes completely ruin Dad's day, or only partially? arise frequently on such mornings.
Chrisie has felt sick all morning, and indeed was sick at school twice. Mami panics when she hears this and asks: "Not morning sickness again?", trying to sound carefree and un-worried, but coming across as quite the opposite. Dad hears this, and hops around for a while, muttering under his breath about nightmares and the such.
She really wouldn't be that stupid second time round.
*Mac Junkie = a person obsessed with Apple. Apple Macs. iPods. Anything to do with Apple. Mac Junkies spend a large amount of time arguing for Apple and their products, and the superiority of Apple over, say, Microsoft.
** By "friend" I mean aquaintence. The Boyfriend claims not to have friends.
Mac Junkie:Face it, Macs look better, so some people prefer them to normal PC's.
The Boyfriend:* protests*
Mac Junkie (to The Boyfriend): Let's put it this way, if your girlfriend were ten times uglier, would you still go out with her?
Another friend: By ten times uglier, he actually means ten times fatter.
The Boyfriend: *ponders* No, I'd still go out with her.
Me: *sigh of relief*
Back to school. Pffft. Back to the same boring morning routine with people arguing sleepily over the bathroom, Len swearing and stamping around because Mami hasn't ironed a shirt and arguments in the car, the usual Dad/Radio 4 versus Chrisie/Signal 1 debate. Crucial questions such as: would listening to Signal 1 for ten minutes completely ruin Dad's day, or only partially? arise frequently on such mornings.
Chrisie has felt sick all morning, and indeed was sick at school twice. Mami panics when she hears this and asks: "Not morning sickness again?", trying to sound carefree and un-worried, but coming across as quite the opposite. Dad hears this, and hops around for a while, muttering under his breath about nightmares and the such.
She really wouldn't be that stupid second time round.
*Mac Junkie = a person obsessed with Apple. Apple Macs. iPods. Anything to do with Apple. Mac Junkies spend a large amount of time arguing for Apple and their products, and the superiority of Apple over, say, Microsoft.
** By "friend" I mean aquaintence. The Boyfriend claims not to have friends.
kiwiqueen - 24. Apr, 18:32