Sea Lion Woman
There was a moment of quite rare music-liking synchronisity today when I introduced my father to Feist's Sea Lion Woman. He listened in rapture, and made me promise to get him the album immediately. I was pumelling away in the kitchen at my baby, my made-from-scratch elastic-y squishy smooth pizza dough, and my father was frying mushrooms and reducing a mean tomata sauce for the topping. In a keep-me-busy bid, I had made a mix CD earlier, mainly for the shop, but when better to try it out than when cooking?
It is a song of magnanimous proportions. It evokes an image of a woman with a sea-lion tail (do sea lions have tails?) flopping around on a rock drinking tea and coffee at the same time, two straws in two mugs in one mouth. Dressed in green. Or maybe blue. Make up your mind, woman! The video doesn;t quite live up to the image in my head, but the black and white is extremely pleasing.
On a slightly different note, I have to urge you not to wolf-whistle if yours is one of those thin, watery whistles. It's not a good start, really, whistling like that. If anything, it lacks potence. It reflects very badly on the rest of you. Please refrain. And that screaming at your two year old kid isn't all that impressive, either.
It is a song of magnanimous proportions. It evokes an image of a woman with a sea-lion tail (do sea lions have tails?) flopping around on a rock drinking tea and coffee at the same time, two straws in two mugs in one mouth. Dressed in green. Or maybe blue. Make up your mind, woman! The video doesn;t quite live up to the image in my head, but the black and white is extremely pleasing.
On a slightly different note, I have to urge you not to wolf-whistle if yours is one of those thin, watery whistles. It's not a good start, really, whistling like that. If anything, it lacks potence. It reflects very badly on the rest of you. Please refrain. And that screaming at your two year old kid isn't all that impressive, either.
kiwiqueen - 26. Jun, 21:05