What Makes An "It" Person?
Fucking* MSN. Not working. The one time when I really am very stressed and would hugely benefit from the comforting noise of a person/people talking to me.
That noise (you all know which one I mean without me having to attach some sort of sound clip**, because face it, you are all as addicted to MSN as I am) signifies the start of a coversation, or someone merely saying "LOL" inbetween the start and the end of the conversation. The noisier MSN is when you sign in, the more popular you are. Noisy MSN = "It" person.
Huge amount of stress is due to many things. Mainly the ten hour art exam which starts tomorrow and finishes on Friday. The MMR injection I will recieve a mere 5 minutes before the beginning of the exam (OW! Achey arm!). The Leisure and Tourism coursework which HAS TO BE IN ON FRIDAY. I have not even HALF finished it. Maybe also the onset of extreme paranoia and jealousy displayed in The Boyfriend also adds to stressfulness.***
So instead of hearing the noise which means I'm an "It" person, I am subjected to toiling away writing about Pizza Hut and how they cater for people. The short answer is, "Take order, smile, shove pizza infront of people, recieve lots of money, The End." The long answer is at least 1000 words long, so I won't go into it now.
* I really only use such profanities in extreme situations. I.e. when falling off a cliff, just before being run over, the approach of a second Ice Age, or MSN not working.
** Aside from the fact that I wouldn't have a CLUE how to attach a sound clip...The Boyfriend comes round to do that sort of thing...and to scan the computer for viruses. Then he leaves and I see him the next time I have a technological problem. ;-)
*** Stop it! It's not necessary! "Alex" should be the jealous one!
That noise (you all know which one I mean without me having to attach some sort of sound clip**, because face it, you are all as addicted to MSN as I am) signifies the start of a coversation, or someone merely saying "LOL" inbetween the start and the end of the conversation. The noisier MSN is when you sign in, the more popular you are. Noisy MSN = "It" person.
Huge amount of stress is due to many things. Mainly the ten hour art exam which starts tomorrow and finishes on Friday. The MMR injection I will recieve a mere 5 minutes before the beginning of the exam (OW! Achey arm!). The Leisure and Tourism coursework which HAS TO BE IN ON FRIDAY. I have not even HALF finished it. Maybe also the onset of extreme paranoia and jealousy displayed in The Boyfriend also adds to stressfulness.***
So instead of hearing the noise which means I'm an "It" person, I am subjected to toiling away writing about Pizza Hut and how they cater for people. The short answer is, "Take order, smile, shove pizza infront of people, recieve lots of money, The End." The long answer is at least 1000 words long, so I won't go into it now.
* I really only use such profanities in extreme situations. I.e. when falling off a cliff, just before being run over, the approach of a second Ice Age, or MSN not working.
** Aside from the fact that I wouldn't have a CLUE how to attach a sound clip...The Boyfriend comes round to do that sort of thing...and to scan the computer for viruses. Then he leaves and I see him the next time I have a technological problem. ;-)
*** Stop it! It's not necessary! "Alex" should be the jealous one!
kiwiqueen - 26. Apr, 20:21